Monday, 14 November 2016

How to translate Ausklang into English
The verb ausklingen and its related noun Ausklang are primarily musical terms. The dictionary definition of the latter = der letzte Ton eines Musikstücks (the last note of a piece of music).

But Ausklang is also frequently used on hotel websites in a figurative sense, i.e. to describe evening or end-of-holiday activities, a kind of gentle ‘winding-down’ before bedtime or journey home. It might (and often does!) involve a drink or two, as in this example:

·         Wer den Tag in einer gemütlichen Atmosphäre ausklingen lassen möchte, ist in unserer Bar bei einem frischgezapftem Bier, verschiedenen Weinen oder Longdrinks bestens aufgehoben = and there is no better way to finish an evening than to relax in the cosy atmosphere of our “Hopfenklause” bar, where you will find refreshing draught beer and a great choice of wines and long drinks

Food is also likely to be involved:

·         Zur Stärkung am Abend erwartet Sie unser rustikaler „Grillabend auf der Terrasse“ mit Salaten vom Buffet. So lassen wir den letzten Tag gemütlich ausklingen =   We then return to the hotel for dinner – a barbecue on the terrace with salads from the buffet – a great way to finish your holiday!

… or maybe a spa treatment: -  

·         Freuen Sie sich auch auf unser umfangreiches Freizeit- und Bewegungsprogramm für Groß und Klein und erholsame Stunden in unserem Wellness und Beauty-Spa. Es kann sowohl das Highlight eines erlebnisreichen Urlaubstages sein als auch eine willkommene Abwechslung oder der Ausklang einer lehrreichen Tagung = You can also look forward to an extensive programme of leisure and fitness activities (with something for guests of all ages), plus the opportunity to relax in our wellness and beauty spa – the perfect end to an exciting day out, a well-earned treat after a busy conference … or just because you feel like being pampered!

… or, depending on the season, a sleigh-ride:

·         Für Romantiker, Pferdeliebhaber oder einfach Geniesser bietet es sich den Tag mit einer romantischen Pferdeschlittenfahrt im idyllischen Pinzgau ausklingen zu lassen = And if you love horses, are a bit of a romantic or just fancy some fun,  what better way to round off your day than with a horse-drawn sleigh ride in the idyllic Pinzgau region?
So popular is the Ausklang idea that there is even a bar/restaurant in Vienna named after it. If you are looking for somewhere achingly cool, where the use of capital letters is just so-o-o last century (see their website:
then this is definitely the place for you!

And don’t worry, if you need someone to organise your Ausklang for you, there is a company in Munich offering “Büro-Ausklang”, a kind of grown-up after-school club where you can go to wind down. Its promise? “Monatlich an einem Donnerstag wird ein anders hippes Hotel der Stadt zu dem After Work Hotspot Münchens. Direkt vom Büro in eine stylische Hotelbar oder Terrasse. Zum Networken. Zum Tanzen. Zum Feiern.
Sounds truly exhausting!






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