Thursday, 28 April 2016

How to translate ‘Jause’ into English
A term only really found in South Germany and Austria, a Jause, Jausen-Teller, or Brettljause (served on a board – or Brettl – rather than a plate), is food taken between breakfast and lunch, or mid-afternoon. It is not a meal… but is definitely more than a snack. In this respect it differs from its closest equivalent in England - the ploughman’s lunch (which is - or should be - a meal!). A Jause generally takes the form of a cold platter and is typically a selection of cold meats, cheese, pickles and possible a small salad. Just for the record, the act of eating your Jause is (surprise surprise!) jausnen.

For translation purposes, ‘snack’ seems somehow inadequate (conjuring up images of burgers and chips, pizza and toasted sandwiches); often ‘food’ will suffice, but probably ought to be qualified with adjectives such as ‘local’, ‘traditional’, typical’ just to make it clear what’s on offer. For example:
Gerade zu dieser Jahreszeit locken die Sonnenterrassen der Hütten zu einer zünftigen Jause = this is the perfect time of year for relaxing out on the terrace with some traditional Tyrolean food

Also commonly found in Austrian/Bavarian tourism texts is the word Jausenstation. Again, ‘snack bar’ sounds much too urban. Depending on the size of the establishment concerned, ‘(mountain) restaurant’ will often work, as in this example:
Viele traditionell geführte Hütten und Jausenstationen laden nicht nur zur Rast und Stärkung, sondern auch mit regionalen und köstlichen Schmankerln = and with traditional mountain chalets and restaurants along the way you will have plenty of opportunity to recharge your batteries, and maybe try some of the delicious local specialities on offer.

In many cases, it is perfectly legitimate to leave Jausenstation in German and simply provide an explanatory gloss, something along the lines of “a rustic Austrian mountain hut serving simple, local foods and drinks” (example taken from the ProZ website – see full discussion at:

*Other related words I’ve come across include:
Jausensackerl (hotels sometimes provide these for guests planning to be out and about all day - what we would call, rather prosaically, a ‘packed lunch’)

Kuchenjause (basically a cake-based version of the traditional Jause, enjoyed in the afternoon)

… and the delightfully alliterative Jausenpause, i.e. time set aside to enjoy your Jause in peace!

Talking of which, I’m off for mine….. J







Sunday, 3 April 2016

Translating ‘prägen’ into English….
In addition to its primary meaning of to ‘mint’ coins (Münzen prägen) or ‘coin’ a phrase (einen Ausdruck prägen), this verb is also commonly found in tourism texts - particularly guidebooks – when describing the particular character of a location, its prominent characteristics, distinctive features etc. By extension, there is also ‘neu prägen’, meaning to re-shape/change the look or character of a place.

Here are some examples of ‘prägen’ in action, together with the translation I chose at the time:
·        die Flüsse Saale und Unstrut prägen die Landschaft des nördlichsten Qualitätsweinanbaugebiets Deutschlands = the most northerly of Germany’s quality wine-growing areas takes its name from the rivers Saale and Unstrut which have shaped this region 

·         Vulkane wie der Areal prägen entlang der zentralen Gebirgskette Costa Ricas das Gesicht der Landschaft = Volcanoes such as the Areal characterise the landscape of Costa Rica’s central mountain ranges 

·         viele Bauwerke des “Bergischen Barock” prägen das Bild der Lenneper Altstadt = a characteristic feature of the old town of Lennep are its many “Bergisch baroque-style” buildings 

·         aus dieser Zeit stammt das ortsprägende Rathaus aus dem Jahre 1907 = the town-hall, a distinctive local landmark built in 1907, dates from this period 

·         … und hübsche kleine Ortschaften wie Witzhelden, wo bergischer Schiefer und bergisches Fachwerk in schwarz-weiβ-grün das Ortsbild prägen = pretty little villages like Witzhelden with the characteristic black, red and green of their traditional half-timbered, slate-roofed buildings 

·         das alterwürdige Jenaer Rathaus, ein stadtbildprägendes Doppelhaus mit hohen Walmdächern, gehört zu den ältesten Deutschlands = the ancient city hall of Jena, a distinctive semi-detached building with a high hipped roof, is one of the oldest buildings of its kind in Germany 

·         verschiedene Baustile prägen die gewaltige Anlage = this vast building features a variety of different architectural styles 

·         auch erwähnenswert sind die wehrhaften Relikte vergangener Zeiten, die prägenden Einfluss auf das Stadtbild von Ratingen oder Monheim nehmen =  also worth mentioning are the remains of the defensive fortifications, which are a key feature of the townscapes of Ratingen and Monheim 

·        moderne Hochhäuser prägen den Ortsteil West = the area to the west is dominated by modern high-rise blocks 

·         Monte Cinto, welcher als höchster Berg der Insel den Ruf Korsikas als gebirgigste Insel im Mittelmeer geprägt hat = Monte Cinto, which has established Corsica’s reputation as the most mountainous Mediterranean island