Translating ‘Alm-’ into English
The word Alm (or Alp in Swiss German) means “seasonal mountain pasture", i.e.
alpine pasture that is only grazed during the
summer months – a period known as Almsommer. This lasts around 100
days and the end of this period, falling around mid-September, is traditionally
marked by a colourful celebration called an Almabtrieb in which local
herdsmen drive their cows back down into the valley for the winter. As fine
an example of rural pageantry as you are ever likely to see, this annual
festival provides a wonderful
excuse for the inhabitants of towns and villages throughout the alpine region
to let their collective hair down. Attractions often include a craft fair, farmer's market and, of
course, ample food and drink. And, as you might expect, da wird’s almerisch g’sungen und g’spielt in a veritable feast of
alpine music and song! For anyone
who has never experienced an Almabtrieb
at first hand, take a look at this one in Pertisau, Tyrol: (Note: if you are a sucker for all
things alpine, and the sight of cows festooned with garlands and bells makes
you feel all warm inside… well, you’ve got about three weeks to get your trip
So, how best to
translate ‘Almabtrieb’? Though the concept of seasonal grazing does exist
in English (it’s known as ‘transhumance’, apparently!), a gloss will always ensure
clarity. Something along the lines of: “the annual late-summer ‘Almabtrieb’
festival in which cattle are brought back down into the valley from the lush
alpine pastures”, should do the trick!
And now to deal
with Alm…
the word is used in its primary sense, ‘pastures’ is the best rendering, e.g. über Almen
wandern = to hike across lush mountain pastures.
in phrases where Alm-
is used as a prefix, ‘alpine’ is generally a safe bet, e.g. ‘Alm-Kultur’
(alpine culture), im alten Tiroler Almstil = in
traditional Tyrolean/alpine style.
most commonly,
however, Alm is used by extension to mean Almhütte. Originally a simple, rustic herdsman’s hut in the mountains - the dictionary defines
it as a ‘Wohn- Schlaf- und Arbeitsstätte’
mit offener Feuerstelle, only accessible on foot and with very limited
facilities - these days it is more likely to have a variety of home comforts, including
an Alm-Sauna, a programme of guided Alm-Marschen for all abilities, a traditional Almfrühstück and a
varied dinner menu which is likely to include include a hearty Almochsenbraten (roast ox). If you can afford it, you could even
go the whole hog and treat yourself to a spot of Almwellness at this 4-star establishment: