Translating ‘Wanderung’
into English
So, today’s focus is on wandern
and the best way to translate it. Though cognate with the English word ‘wander’,
the German wandern describes an
altogether different kind of walking, not a leisurely stroll/walk/ramble (for
which spazierengehen is more
appropriate), but something much more purposeful and (probably) longer. For a
brief discussion on what constitutes a ‘Wanderung’,
...or for a lengthier definition take a look at:
Generally, in English ‘hiking’ will fit the bill most of the
time… or possibly ‘rambling’, though I would need an expert in the field to
explain further! (Is it hiking if hills are involved and rambling if done on
the flat?!) Anyway, where things get a bit trickier is when Wander-/Wanderung forms part of a
compound word, sometimes (as you will see from some of the examples below) to describe an activity where no actual walking is involved at all! Here is a random selection of wander- words from my glossary:
= vineyard/wine-tasting tour (I note that Linguee offers the rather odd
‘wine ramble’, (which, in my view, has rather unfortunate connotations!)
= well,… a boat trip really!
Schneeschuhwanderung = snowshoe hike
= adventure hike/trail (though always best to check out exactly what the
promised Erlebnis is before attempting
to translate!)
(e.g. the apparently very scenic “Saale”
and “Thüringer Städtekette”, two popular ‘long-distance cycle paths’ which featured
in a Jena guidebook I translated recently).
Wanderbus = hiking bus
(i.e. special bus laid on to transport hikers to the start of their chosen
= pony trekking (as opposed to serious horse-riding)
Wandergolf = scenic
crazy golf. It took me a while to come up with an adequate translation for this
as I have never come across the concept in this country. This is crazy golf
that goes on for miles, meaning you can enjoy all the benefits of a proper
yomp… and pot a few holes along the way! Looks like fun:,12.72423,47.58533
Wanderung/Heilklimawanderung = climate hike/hike led by a
climate therapist (i.e. a brisk, usually extended walk, with the focus on
achieving optimum health benefits by finding the perfect step rhythm,
doing breathing exercises along the way,
measuring your pulse and blood pressure as you go etc. etc...
Phew, sounds a bit strenuous! On that note, dear Wanderfreunde, I’m off for lunch… and
then maybe a walk (definitely neither time nor energy for a hike - climatic or